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3/7/2007 - March 2007 SLI Newsletter


                                                                        March 2007



Dear Friends and Supporters,


            We apologize for missing our February 2007 newsletter.  It was prepared, but unexpected difficulties with our new format delayed printing.  In order not to miss another month, we have prepared our newsletter in the old format.  Please be assured SLI is continuing with its work.


            We have been recently working on several issues.  We have received a number of phone calls from church schools seeking advice on policy issues dealing with everything from how to set up to discipline to reporting child abuse.  We have also worked with parents on their rights in public schools on issues related to sex, drugs and other perils.  Our children are such a precious commodity, we must do all we can to protect them and set them on the right road in life.


            We have also been consulting with an organization who plans to engage in some educational public demonstrations related to abortion.  Their purpose is to educate certain college students, faculty and others on the reality of abortion.  That has not come to fruition yet, but we believe it is an exciting demonstration of commitment to an important issue, particularly when we see the presidential candidates waffling on it.  To be able to present cogent and educational information in the public square on the issue of abortion faces difficulties, but has the individual liberties of free speech to protect it.  We will let you know more about this event when it develops and whether there will be anyway in which you can participate.


            Of course, we are drawing close to the Alabama legislative session.  The first day of the legislature is March 6, 2007.  We look forward to what bills may be introduced and will give you a report on that later.  In the meantime, be in prayer for legislators as they approach this important time.  The Annual Legislative Prayer Luncheon sponsored by the State Board of Missions of the Alabama Baptist State Convention is March 8, 2007.  Every elected official from the Governor down attends the luncheon.  Pray this occasion will have a continuing significant effect on officials.


            This month's Educational Update discusses an important case in which SLI is not directly involved, but has principles that later may adversely effect us in protection of important values.  Some of us who work with SLI have also been involved individually in this case and we can see the greater harm that could be done if we do not stand up for the appropriate application of the rule of law.


            Finally, we are thankful for your financial support of our efforts.  Please continue to remember us on a monthly basis because our expenses are ongoing.  Please pray for our efforts.


                                                                                    Yours very truly,



                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston


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