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11/1/2006 - November 2006 - News Update

NEWS UPDATES The Summit Medical Center Abortion Clinic which was closed by the Health Department recently has filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy. On October 5, 2006 Summit filed its petition in the Bankruptcy Court in Birmingham listing debts of $231,897 and assets of $62,000. The debts include money owed to the owner operators of the clinic, David and Rita Lipton, of Connecticut. The bankruptcy documents state the clinic’s gross income for 2004 was $1.1 million. If abortions average $400 a piece, that would be 2,750 lives lost. Fortunately, the clinic has gone out of business. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to revisit the 1973 case of Doe v. Bolton, the companion case to Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion on demand throughout virtually the entire term of pregnancy. Sandra Cano (“Doe”) had asked the court to review the 1973 decision, because her lawyers had misrepresented the case to her and if she had known what they were doing, she would not have done it. Also, last February, Norma McCorvey, the “Roe” of Roe v. Wade, had asked for a similar review of her case, which was denied. The refusal of the Supreme Court to review these cases should not be taken as a setback for our efforts since it is unlikely they would have reviewed the so called “right to abortion.” It would have been interesting, however, to have learned what went on behind the scenes in those cases.

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