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6/2/2014 - June 2014 SLI Newsletter

                                                                                                                         August 2014

 Dear Friends and Supporters,

 By the time you are reading this, the June 3rd election primary may have already passed.  With all of the super contested races, with many candidates for individual spots, some Republicans, some Tea Party and some Democrats, there are sure to be heated runoffs.  Remember, the runoff election date will be July 15, 2014.  If you are not going to be able to vote on that day, be sure to do your absentee ballot.  Information may be found at www.sos.state.al.us.

 This month’s Educational Update is a report on the 2014 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature.  As you can see, a number of good bills were passed that protect religious freedom for church schools and the sanctity of life.  We had hoped for more, but are grateful for these results.  It was a privilege for us to work with legislators drafting bills and testifying on them.

 The session was quite contentious on the church school bills.  We will report on it next month.  It seems like as soon as we get finished with one contentious issue, another arises.  Obviously, you are aware of the legal victories for the gay agenda.  State laws protecting traditional marriage are being litigated, including Alabama, and some are already declared unconstitutional.  These will reach the U.S. Supreme Court in the not too distant future.

 At the same time, however, there are more subtle moves by gay activists.  These include the Human Rights Campaign and the Reformation Project, both of which are intended to undermine public opinion on the homosexual issues, including in the churches.  We are trying to monitor these issues and publish information that is helpful to those who are already being affected and for those who will be affected in the near future.  We will provide more information on that as it develops.  If you are affected by any of this or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

 The U.S. Supreme Court recently decided the case of Town of Greece v. Galloway.  This involved opening a city council meeting with prayer.  Prayer for legislatures had been upheld by a case in 1983, but there was always some uncertainty about lesser legislative bodies, e.g., city councils and county commissions.  We will provide an analysis of this at a later date.  In the meantime, if you know of any city or county which has questions or a problem with this, let us know.  We will provide advice free of charge.

 As usual, we want to thank you for your continued financial support.  It makes our efforts possible.  Please pray for our protection and success in dealing with these various issues.  If you have any questions at anytime, or want to know more about Southeast Law Institute, please let us know.  With personal regards, I am,

                                                                                    Yours very truly,


                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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