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5/1/2014 - May 2014 SLI Educational Update - To Vote or Not to Vote. That is the Question



 To:                  SLI Supporters                                  

 Date:               May 2014  

 From:              A. Eric Johnston

 Re:                  To Vote or Not to Vote, That is the Question


Voter turnout for many years has been historically low.  Apparently, there is a lack of concern among the general populace with the quality of leadership locally and nationally.  In 1976, Francis A. Schaeffer in his book, How Should We Then Live?, observed:

“Will the silent majority . . . help?  The so-called silent majority was, and is, divided into a minority and a majority.  The minority are either Christians who have a real basis for values or those who at least have a memory of the days when the values were real.  The majority are left with only their two poor values of personal peace and affluence.” 

He opined that until our personal peace and affluence is adversely affected, we will do nothing.  With personal peace and affluence, we are complacent.  Now, in America, Christians, or those who recall Christian values, are in the minority.  Changing demographics are making millennials, minorities and immigrants the majority.   These voters are an important mission field for values and issues education.  With low voter turnouts, it is important that those with America’s great values should be involved in the political process.

 Ever since the 1970’s, it seems that we claim the next election is the most important.  It is probably true that elections have become more and more important, due to America’s changing values.  With the presidency of Barack Obama, his minions in the executive branch, and his sheep in Congress, we have seen the most destructive administration in the history of the United States.  There can be no doubt that though Obama appears to be bumbling and inept, he has a vision to change America.  The President has shown disregard for the rule of law.  The Justice Department refuses to enforce legitimate laws, because the administration disagrees with them. 

 In Congress, we have a Democrat controlled Senate and a moderate Republican controlled House.  This has not led to constructive legislation, but often divisive and lukewarm.  On the state level, for the last four years, we have had Republican leadership.  It has been more receptive to traditional values, including the protection of religious freedom and the sanctity of life, but can do more.

 The presidential election year will be in the next election cycle, a little over two years from now.  The upcoming midterm elections will be important for the Congress and the Alabama Legislature.  The election of those who hold conservative traditional values in both bodies is important to protecting and restoring America.  The issues range from protecting religious freedom, to the sanctity of life, to protecting American jobs, our national defense, and basic honesty in government.  The same sex issue threatens to devour the family in America.  Unless we just happen to get into a war with Russia, the same sex issue may be the most important issue of our time.  Without a strong commitment to constitutional and traditional principles, we will see a further diminution in the character of America. 

For these reasons, we cannot state more strongly that the upcoming midterm and then general election two years from now are the most important elections America has ever had.  The purpose of this Educational Update is to encourage you to prepare to vote and to vote on election day.  SLI does not endorse or campaign for anyone.  Here is some information you may need and which you should share with others:

-        The June 3 primary may be the most important election in Alabama.  Because of the weakness of the Democratic Party in Alabama, some “Democrats” will be running as “Republicans” at federal and local levels espousing all sorts of traditional values.  Unprincipled Republicans will be doing the same.  The general election could be inconsequential for Congress and the Alabama Legislature.  Plan to vote in any runoffs on July 15th.  The general election will be November 4th

-        All of the information you need for preparation, registration and voting can be found at the Alabama Secretary of State’s website – www.sos.al.us.  The link you will follow is “Elections.”  These will lead you to the new photo “Voter ID at the Polls” requirements, “Voter Registration,” “Where to Locate Your ‘Registrar’ for Filing Your Registration,” “Absentee Voting,” and general explanations for the process.

-        In addition to the primary and general election voting dates above, absentee ballot applications must be turned in no later than the 5th calendar day before any election date. 

 It is the duty of every eligible citizen to vote.  It is the duty of every Christian citizen to vote intelligently.  You must familiarize yourself with the issues and select the proper candidates, whether you are in a Republican or Democrat district.  Political party is not the issue – values are the issue.  The election of those who represent us translates directly into the laws that will govern us.  The issues that will arise will be decided by them.  We think you will agree this year’s election just might be the most important that America has faced.

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