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8/1/2013 - August 2013 SLI Newsletter

                                                                                                                        August 2013

 Dear Friends and Supporters,

 Protection of religious liberty has been one of the hallmarks of SLI’s work.  Religious liberty is the foundation for all of our other work.  While there may be some differences in dogma or church rules, we are very protective of the rights of persons to worship and exercise religious freedom as they see fit. 

However, religious freedom is more than “worship.”  The Obama Administration is now referring to religious freedom as “worship.”  This use of the word worship is secretive and misleading.  It has been done with a wink and a nod to those who know.  The goal is to separate exercise of religious freedom in the public square from exercise of religion within the four walls of one’s church.  The goal is to limit the former to the activity of the latter.

 We see this increasingly where there is the application of other laws.  For example, with Obama’s recent epiphany on same-sex relationships, the immediate fallout has been in the U.S. military.  Christian chaplains are finding it difficult on how to address the issue and  determine what it means to “proselytize” or “evangelize.”  It is likely the progression will be to limitation rather than recognition of religious freedom.

 SLI has been involved in religious freedom for many years.  We began significant work in the 1980’s on recognizing the burdens the federal judiciary was putting on religious freedom.  We worked to restore that freedom.  We believe we largely accomplished that.  A recent bill in the Alabama Legislature seeking to protect students’ religious freedom raised the issue once again.  We provided guidance on alternatives and background so that well meaning persons could understand proper approaches to not only protecting but informing persons of their religious freedom. 

 Whether religious activities should take place publicly is still allowed by law.  Perhaps, the question we should now be asking is whether people even care about exercising that right.

 Thank you for your financial support.  As we draw down through the summer, our contributions always fall off.  Please send us as generous a gift as you are able.  Thank you very much for your support.

                                                                                     Yours very truly,

                                                                                     A. Eric Johnston

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