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4/1/2013 - April 2013 SLI Newsletter

April 2013

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Thank you for your continuing support.  We are having a very busy year and your support makes it possible to do the things we are doing.

This month’s Educational Update is a report on several items.  There seems to be so many things to say, it is hard to choose what needs to be said.  We have selected a few things we think are of interest. 

You are probably aware the U.S. Supreme Court has heard arguments in two cases on same sex issues.  One is Proposition 8 in California that prohibits same sex marriages.  The other is the Federal Defense of Marriage Act, which recognizes traditional marriage in federal law.  The Obama Administration is speaking against both of those laws.  The same sex juggernaut is growing in size and intensity.  The opinions on these two cases will likely come out in June.  It is likely the court will expand same sex rights.  The question is how much?

We also must continue praying for our nation.  We believe there is great peril and looming problems. The concerns are not the first time they have happened in world history, but they may be for the United States.  Compare Great Britain in 1940.  Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and the British media misled the country into a false sense of security that Germany was not threatening.  Winston Churchill became Prime Minister and warned that although everything appeared normal, Germany was preparing for the worst military assault in human history.  No one seemed to listen.

Today we are made to believe that the United States middle class is being strengthened by the Obama Administration and our military establishment is still capable of defending us.  We are facing financial problems and the cuts to our military are being made through the sequestration in spite of the imploding Middle East as a result of the Arab Winter.  Most of us live our lives seemingly unaware of what looms over the horizon.  We must learn from history.  At this time, we cannot trust our government or the media.  Who can we trust?  A good question.  We must elect godly and trustworthy men and women.  Right now, the most important thing we can do is pray for those who are in office and pray for our country.  II Chronicles 7:14.

Again, thank you for your support.  Please remember us with your financial contributions.  With personal regards, I am,

                                                                                    Yours very truly,


                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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