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10/1/2012 - October 2012 SLI Educational Update - Are You Ready to Vote?



 To:                  SLI Supporters                                  

 Date:               October 2012  

From:              A. Eric Johnston

Re:                  Are You Ready to Vote?

Are you ready to vote?  Are you registered?  Are you informed?  Are you interested?  All of these are questions that we as citizens with constitutionally protected rights should be asking ourselves.  The people we elect are the ones who will be making our laws and determining the direction of Alabama and America.  This year is a presidential election and there are state and local elections.  Before you can vote you must be legally registered and you must be informed.

In 1976, Dr. Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, wrote a little booklet entitled “Your Five Duties as a Christian Citizen.”  Those five duties are: 

 Do I pray faithfully for a spiritual revival to sweep America?

  1. Am I a registered voter, and do I encourage other Christians to register?
  2. Am I making a serious effort, along with my Christian friends, to become informed?
  3. Am I actively involved in helping to select and elect candidates?
  4. Do I vote faithfully in every election for the best candidates, regardless of party?

The proper answer to all five questions is yes.  If you answered any of them no, then you need to reexamine your priorities.  Your Church and State Committee cannot tell you how to vote.  We do not intend to do that.  We can, however, urge you to do the things that Dr. Bright suggested.  Most of those things speak for themselves.  However, you may need a little help on some of the more technical things.

Are You Registered to Vote?

             The best source of finding information about voting is with the Alabama Secretary of State’s office at www.sos.state.al.us and follow the “Elections” link.  Also, the Secretary of State’s office has a special link, “Alabama’s Official Election Center.”  Following this link will take you directly to all information related to voting. 

 You may register to vote at your local Board of Registrars which is normally located in your county courthouse and in most Medicaid, WIC and DHR offices.  If you are using the Secretary of State website, obtain a voter registration form by following the Elections link to “Voter Registration” and then to “Get a Voter Registration Application.”  You may there download the voter registration form.  You will complete the form and return or mail it to your county board of registrars, whose address is listed at the end of the form.  The form is self-explanatory, gives the qualifications for voting, and is easy to complete.

             The deadline for registering to vote in this year’s November general election is OCTOBER 26, 2012.

 Absentee Voting

            Will you be here on Election Day?  The general election is November 6, 2012.  If you are in town at that time, then you will vote at your normal voting place.  However, if you will or may be out of town, or if for some other reason you cannot go to the polls, then you should make arrangements to vote absentee.

             You may obtain an absentee ballot from your circuit court clerk at your county courthouse or if you are at the Secretary of State’s Official Election Center Link, you will see a link for “Absentee Voting.”  Click on that link and it will take you to the application for absentee ballot.  You will complete that form and return it to the Absentee Election Manager, usually your circuit court clerk.  The application must be turned in no later than NOVEMBER 1st.  Be sure the mail will deliver it on time if you mail it in.  The Secretary of State’s office will then forward you the appropriate absentee ballot by U.S. mail, or you will pick it up if you personally file your application.

             The deadline to hand deliver or mail in an absentee ballot is NOVEMBER 5, 2012.


            The website and all of these forms have instructions that are easy to follow.  It only takes a little time to complete the process.  Everything can be done through your computer and by the U.S. mail.  The right to vote is a very important right and to not vote is a forfeiture of a constitutionally protected right.  Take the time to register and vote, whether in person on November 6, or absentee.  Many have said this presidential election may be one of the most important in the history of the United States of America.  We agree with that statement.  Therefore, look back to the top at Dr. Bright’s list of duties.  Please be sure you do your duty.


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