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8/1/2012 - August 2012 SLI Newsletter

                                                                                                                         August 2012


“And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”  Galatians 6:9

 Dear Friends and Supporters,

             Summer is a good time for reflection and preparation.  In particular, we are reflecting on the Alabama Legislature’s results and on the annual release of opinions by the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this summer.  We look forward to the November elections and the prospects for the coming year.  Unless we reflect and prepare, we may grow weary and turn from the fight.

            A number of things make us weary:  regrettable outcome of the 2012 Alabama legislative session; President’s endorsement of gay marriage; the mainline media’s reporting of the gay rights movement as having accomplished its purpose; threats by legal groups against public schools to force recognition of gay student groups, as well as, many Alabama high schools and even Auburn University unilaterally recognizing gay student groups; continuing threats by legal groups against the remnant of Christian activities in public schools, while other schools flagrantly violate the Establishment Clause, such as, having yoga classes; universities repudiating the rights of Christian clubs to require a statement of faith.  The list is not conclusive.

             The point of all this is that the culture war continues.  This month’s Educational Update addresses a late spring editorial in The Birmingham News that suggested the culture war was in error and is being abandoned.  Certainly, that could happen.  However, we cannot grow weary in well doing and must not be diverted from our goals by those who mean to change the traditional standards of American life.

             For over 50 years, America has been engaged in a cultural struggle.  Actually, it began earlier, but in earnest from the 1960’s until now.  It is true new generations, millennialists and others, will come.  They must avoid the temptation of compromise in the guise of false civility.  We can remain civil while not compromising fundamental values.

             Please joint us in our efforts.  We are committed and we hope you are committed to pray and financially support our efforts.  This year’s legislative session took a great deal of time and resources and we are very much in need of replenishing our funds.  We know summer is a difficult time to raise support.  However, please put us down for your contribution which is tax deductible for you.  Thank you for your support.

                                                                                     Yours very truly,


                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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