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5/1/2012 - May 2012 SLI Newsletter

May 2012

Dear Friends and Supporters,

By the time you receive this, the legislative session will be drawing to a close.  We have been very engaged this session with the drafting of bills, testifying in committees and providing advice to legislators.  Of course, we do all of this free of charge.  Our purpose is not to lobby, but to provide as sound a constitutional and public policy basis, as possible.

It is not within our purview to tell Representative and Senators how to vote, but we try to explain the implications of their actions.  This month, our final Educational Update which will be released while the legislature is still in session, again deals with the immigration issue and religious freedom.  We cannot say in more stronger terms how important it is that the immigration law, as well as any law, not create an improper burden or limitation on religious freedom.  This month’s Educational Update addresses a new facet of that issue in the evolving immigration debate.

Of course, sanctity of life legislation is always a perennial issue.  At the time this newsletter is released, there are only seven legislative days left.  While this sounds like enough time to hurry up and concentrate on getting things done, legislative procedures do not work at a fast pace.  There are built in delays, which cannot be changed.  That brings us to the point that virtually all the bills that have been filed for the sanctity of life are in a tenuous position.  The Alabama Pro-Life Coalition, Alabama Citizens for Life, ALCAP, Eagle Forum and others have lobbied strenuously to get these bills to the Governor’s desk, but unless House and Senate take the initiative and place a proper priority on the sanctity of life, most, if not all, of these bills will die. 

Another bill which may be poised to die this session is the American and Alabama Law for Alabama Courts Act.  The two principal purposes of this bill are to protect Alabama’s strong public policy against same sex laws in other states which are sought to be enforced here and protection of our individual constitutional rights and liberties against diminution from the use of foreign laws.  This is a constitutional amendment which will provide protection to Alabamians far into the future.  With our rapidly evolving culture, we must take every reasonable step possible to protect generations to come. 

Another bill that is very important to family health in Alabama is the bill that increases possession of slot machines to a felony.  If this bill does not pass this year, it is likely gamblers will begin to open large scale slot machine operations once again.

Thank you for your continuing support.  Please support us financially and with prayer.  We are grateful for your partnership with us.

                                                                                    Yours very truly,


                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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