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2/13/2012 - February 2012 SLI Newsletter

February 2012

Dear Friends and Supporters,

As usual, in the beginning of each year, more of our time is concentrated on legislative assistance.  Through the years, SLI has become a valuable resource to Senators and Representatives in the Alabama Legislature for expert legal advice on the important issues of religious freedom, sanctity of life, education choice, parental rights, and other family issues.  We have worked on a number of bills that will be introduced within the next few days and we will be called upon throughout the session to analyze other bills and provide advice and testimony.  Of course, we do not charge for these services and we are available “on call” throughout the legislative session. 

 Sanctity of life is always high on our list of priorities.  It requires a continuous indefatigable effort to address this issue.  We cannot grow weary in well doing.  We have had abortion as a so called “right” in America since 1973.  Legislative efforts in the respective states are the best way to continue this fight.  This month’s Educational Update gives a brief explanation of five pro-life bills we expect to be filed.  These bills will be a priority for this year.

 Another priority is the American and Alabama Law for Alabama Courts Bill.  This proposed  amendment to the Alabama Constitution would strengthen Alabama courts’ ability to resist giving full faith and credit to laws from other states and applying laws from foreign countries.  We already have cases in Alabama courts where parties are seeking to enforce same-sex issues from other states.  We are seeing federal courts and other state courts giving recognition to the laws of other countries.  Alabama has strong public policies on these issues and we expect to see an increase in this type litigation.  A strong constitutional policy statement is necessary to protect Alabama’s heritage.

There will be bills dealing with education, parental rights, and related issues.  We will be assisting organizations who will be working on these bills.  For example, charter schools and tax credits for attendance in nonpublic schools will be considered.  We believe parents’ rights in educational choice is important to a strong educational system.

During this time, we will still be available to render assistance to individuals and others who contact us on religious freedom, individual rights, and other issues.  We will be glad to provide advice to them at no charge and if we determine it is not something we can do, we will endeavor to find them assistance. 

 Please remember us with as large a financial contribution as you can make.  It is with your financial assistance that we are able to provide these services.  Also, please continue to remember us in your prayers for God to provide us wisdom and direction.  Thank you for your support.

                                                                                     Yours very truly,


                                                                                     A. Eric Johnston

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