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2/13/2012 - January 2012 SLI Newletter

January 2012

Dear Friends and Supporters, 

The year 2012 is another year of great expectation.  We must remember it is an election year for President of the United States and offices down to the local level.  As we consider our choices for these offices, we must not be misled by sleek and misleading political ads and self-serving and pandering rhetoric. 

It is important we find objective and substantive information to rely on for choosing our candidates.  Often, this will require us to weigh information from different sources and try to make an educated decision.  We must look for counsel from others in whom we trust. 

The importance of this is that elected officials will then determine the course of our government and its objectives.  These are determined primarily by the executive and legislative branches of government, but trickle down to judicial decisions for interpretation. 

We believe in limited government, free enterprise, separation of powers, sanctity of life, protection of individual rights and freedoms, and other historic and important values that have made America the great and free nation she is.  SLI cannot be involved in political races, but we are involved in the outcome of those races when we deal with the acts of government at all levels. 

When we have officials who are committed to our traditional values, we find it easier to argue our cases and, in most instances, achieve a meeting of the mind on an amicable basis, that is a benefit to us all.  When we have officials who deviate from our historical norms, we have problems that affect us as a people, not just individually.

 An example of this struggle is Alabama’s immigration law.  We report again this month on that continuing issue.  Not a day goes by without local news reporting on it.  We believe there is a wide gulf between those who support the law and those who do not, based on their philosophy of government, definition of individual rights and personal objectives.  Pray for legislators and judges as they try to make appropriate decisions under the pressure of extreme media scrutiny.  Pray for our efforts as we try to protect religious freedom.

As we begin the year, we request your financial and prayerful support.  Please continue these throughout the year.  Thank you for your support of the Southeast Law Institute.

                                                                                    Yours very truly,


                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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