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10/3/2011 - October 2011 SLI Newsletter

October 2011

Dear Friends and Supporters,

An old legal cliché says the wheels of justice turn exceedingly slowly but grind exceedingly finely.  This means that the law is very deliberate in its process and while we may want answers immediately, it may take quite a long time to find them.  So often, we have a case and think that it should be decided right away, but many twists and turns later, find us far down the road and still without all of the answers.

A case in point will be the final determination of Alabama’s immigration law and how it affects many people, including churches and ministries.  It is with the latter that we are concerned and will continue to keep our readers and supporters up-to-date.  Our Educational Update this month is the third of our continuing reports on that law.  We still wish to emphasize that churches in Alabama are not at risk under this law and they should have no fear of practicing all of their usual ministry activities.

Another case in point is the question of a daytime curfew in the City of Mobile, Alabama.  Significant opposition to such an ordinance resulted in the City Council not voting to have it, but it appears to have resurrected and will be considered again.

All of these things have kept us quite busy.  Additionally, we have been drafting and reviewing sanctity of life legislation for the 2012 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature, as well as other bills that protect religious freedom and other individual rights.  We will report further on those as they develop. 

Recently, the Alabama Supreme Court decided the case of April Mack, as the mother of Baby Mack, v. Thomas Carmack.  The court ruled that the 2006 law known as The Brody Act, which was drafted by SLI, was the basis for allowing damages for the death of an unborn child at any stage of development, not just after viability, which had been the previous law.  We will provide a complete report on that in an upcoming Educational Update.

Your continuing support makes these efforts possible.  We are down in contributions and really need your assistance.  With the many things that are happening, it is taking quite a bit more time and expense.  Please send us as generous a contribution as you are able.

Thank you very much for your support and on behalf of the Southeast Law Institute, I am, 

                                                                                    Yours very truly,


                                                                                     A. Eric Johnston

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