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8/1/2011 - August 2011 SLI Newlsetter

August 2011


Dear Friends and Supporters,

One thing we can say for sure about the legislative session this year is that we are glad it is over.  We remarked on several occasions that it was far more work than we had ever encountered, even when working to provide assistance and advice to those who opposed gambling legislation over the last number of years.  The difference is that working with a proactive majority, rather than with a defensive minority, requires much more time.

This month’s Educational Update is our report on the 2011 regular session of the Alabama Legislature.  After you read it you will understand why one of the things that we are now being asked over and over again is why didn’t more pro-life legislation pass?   That is a very good and legitimate question.  Before we answer it, however, we want additional time to pass.  This will give us time to reflect and get feedback from others.  We expect to come up with some diagnoses of why these bills did not pass and we hope we will find remedies so that next year we will see more success.

The Southeast Law Institute is not registered as a lobbyist.  Our goal is to provide without charge to Senators, Representatives, other elected officials, lobbyists and other groups, objective unbiased legal advice and drafting assistance on proposed laws.  We are pro-religious freedom, pro-life, pro-family, anti-gambling, and an advocate for individual freedoms and rights.  Sometimes our answers offend and sometimes they help.  There must be objectivity and truth in the process.

We feel we have accomplished that goal during this regular session of the Alabama Legislature.  We regret that more of the pro-life bills did not pass, but there are promising signs for the future.  While we applaud the immigration law, we feel it creates some risk for churches and ministries who are ministering to immigrants, some of whom may be illegal.  Notwithstanding these, we believe the Alabama Legislature did a very good job on a number of difficult issues.  We were there on almost a daily basis and saw the long hours the new leadership and legislators put in.  We applaud them for their commitment, determination and judgment.

We are grateful that we could play a part in that.  Your financial and prayer support of our efforts makes that possible.  As usual, the drought of summer affects leaves, grass and bank accounts.  We appreciate your continuing support and ask that you remember us during these difficult times.  Thank you very much for your commitment with us.

                                                                                    Yours very truly,


                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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