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6/1/2011 - June 2011 SLI Newsletter

June 2011


Dear Friends and Supporters,

One of the main issues affecting the family is the legal recognition of homosexual rights.  The homosexual community continues to aggressively push for rights in derogation of basic, traditional, historical and proper relationships between men, women and their families.  As you know, we were working on one case that involved the effort of a lesbian California woman to have visitation rights with the natural born child of an Alabama woman.  This was based on a “relationship” they had in California at one time.  Must Alabama give full faith and credit to California policies that are totally the opposite of our own?

We have also been giving a great deal of attention to the application of foreign laws through courts which are also against our public policy.  The homosexual issue has been related to that.  A larger issue is the rights of Muslims to exercise not only their religious rights, but their political/legal rights in derogation of our federal and state constitutions, as well as our statutes.

This month’s Educational Update focuses on the latter issue of antithetical law.  SLI is very concerned for religious freedom.  That is probably our most important objective.  Our First Amendment is meant to tolerate religions and respect the rights of others.  The First Amendment was made law for our country, our tradition and based on our history.  We cannot subsume the culture of another country or another people that does not cooperate with our constitutional system of government.  We have discussed this issue from various facets and this month’s Educational Update challenges us to understand what the war on terror is all about.

 As we send out this newsletter and Educational Update, we are approaching the last seven days of the legislative session.  By the time you get this letter, we are hopeful that some of the pro-life bills and the American and Alabama Laws for Alabama Courts Amendment will have made it to the final days of the session and hopefully will become law.  Please keep those efforts high on your prayer list. 

 As we go into the summer, we always see a diminution in contributions.  We very much appreciate your support and faithfulness to our efforts.  Please help us out this summer to the extent you are able.  Thank you very much for all of your support.

                                                                                     Yours very truly,



                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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