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2/1/2011 - February 2011 SLI Newsletter

February 2011


 Dear Friends and Supporters,

             It has been 38 years since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion on demand in the United States.  Dr. Joe Bob Mizzell, writing in the Christian Life Report for the Alabama State Baptist Convention, recently reminded us of the staggering figures.  Out of the six million women who become pregnant in the United States each year, 1.2 million have an abortion.  Since Roe was decided, there have been about 54 million abortions.  This year, there is the very real opportunity to reduce the abortions, particularly in the State of Alabama, but in other states as well.  This is because the recent election brought into office many pro-life legislators. 

             The Southeast Law Institute has provided legal services to the pro-life community since 1987 with the first pro-life law that passed, the Parental Consent for Abortion Act.  Since then, SLI has provided drafting and legal support, testimony and other assistance in the legislative process and legal representation in the courts for protection of these laws.

             This year, the Alabama Pro-Life Coalition has met and has tentatively agreed to work together on a number of legislative bills.  Those are listed and briefly explained in this month’s memorandum.  Please note the memorandum is prepared for the Alabama Pro-Life Coalition, in place of our usual Educational Update. 

 SLI will also be providing additional drafting, testimony and legal advice on other issues that are important to protecting our healthy family oriented state environment.  We are heartened by our Governor’s Christian stance on issues.  We expect him to be an asset in our efforts.

 We continue to answer questions and provide legal advice to those who contact us for assistance in the areas of religious freedom, parental rights and other issues.  Please refer anyone to us who may have a need.  We do not charge for these services.

 Thank you for your continuing financial and prayer support.  Please remember that it takes a great deal of time to do the things we do.  There is a lot of expense involved, such as, travel, computer, legal research, and general office overhead.  Your support makes it possible for us to do these things.

                                                                                     Yours very truly,


                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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