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12/1/2010 - December 2010 SLI Newsletter

December 2010

 Dear Friends and Supporters,

 With your generous assistance and support, we have had a very good year.  We define a very good year as one in which we have been successful in protecting the important values that makes Alabama a great state and America a great nation.  These are the values which SLI defends on a daily basis.

 During this past year we have represented persons in court and out of court on issues such as homosexual child custody, home schooling, and the rights of sidewalk counselors.  We have been involved in legislative activities, most importantly the efforts to defeat unlawful bingo gambling both in the legislature and in the courts.  We have participated with many of the pro-family conservative groups in this state and we have been honored to serve.

 This month’s Educational Update deals with a new threat, the influence of foreign laws in Alabama courts.  We expect this to be an issue in the upcoming legislative session.  Also, there will be a number of abortion regulatory bills.  We are prepared to oppose gambling if it returns, but with all that happened this year, we are hopeful it is a non-issue.

 We will comment more in the future on the outcome of the election.  However, with Republicans, most of whom are conservative, taking both the House and the Senate in the Alabama Legislature, along with a Republican Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General, we hope and expect to be on the offensive this year with not only the bills mentioned above, but other measures that will protect the very important rights for which we fight.  It will be necessary for us to retool our thinking.  We have been on the defensive for so long, it will be all new to us.  SLI is privileged to support the many family groups in the state and work on the various issues that come before the Legislature, courts and other government bodies.

 We are able to provide legal assistance on these many issues to parents, students, churches, and others when confronted by uninformed or misguided local and state authorities.  Remember, we do not charge for these services.  Your support makes this possible.

 As you make your year-end contributions, please remember SLI.  For us to continue our activities in an effective way next year, we will need significant financial assistance.  We are glad to be called to the fight and we appreciate your joining with us.  With best wishes for a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year, we are,

                                                                                     Yours very truly,


                                                                                     A. Eric Johnston

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