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10/1/2009 - October 2009 SLI Newsletter

October 2009

Dear Friends and Supporters,

With the coming of fall everyone is back at work, in school, involved in community affairs and Congress is back in session. All of this forebodes potential for problems. Regardless of where we are, or what we are doing, we must be aware of the fragility of our freedoms. Our freedoms can be attacked anywhere.

National healthcare is a continuing issue. It seems apparent to us that the tea parties and town hall meetings more than adequately demonstrate citizens’ opposition to a national healthcare program. We are encouraged by this participation in political events and civic life. For eight years of a Republican administration, which for the most part did things well, citizens grew lax in their attention to politics and some things happened that should not have happened. But then, when the Democrats took charge, perhaps it was the grandness of the power grab that got people’s attention. These events are getting a lot of news, but is it reaching everyone?

I was recently at a meeting where the discussion was on citizen involvement, the need for people to know and understand what is happening and whether they are “getting it.” It is true that most organizations, including SLI, communicate to their supporters. The question is – what are the supporters doing? State Senator Scott Beason observed that we are mainly preaching to the choir, but “the choir must become missionaries.” How true that is.

As we have recently suggested, get others involved in the process. If they are not on mailing lists of good organizations, sign them up. They need to be getting valid and important information on a continuous basis and not waiting for the occasional tea party or town hall meeting. The mid-term elections next year are perhaps the most important in several generations. America needs us now. Pray for her.

To our home school friends, we are concerned about a growing trend of judges and social workers criticizing the choice of home schooling, and in particular, making that choice for reasons of their Christian faith. While it has been more serious in other states, it is not unheard of in Alabama. This month’s Educational Update calls attention to that issue and suggests Christian home schooling parents, particularly those in domestic situations, be aware of potential problems.

Let us conclude by thanking those who have supported us through the summer. It is often a difficult time, particularly during these difficult economic days. Now that everyone is back to work and in the swing of things, may we count on you for support this month? We are thankful for you.

Yours very truly,

A. Eric Johnston

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