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8/3/2009 - August 2009 SLI Newsletter

August 2009

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Independence Day reminded us of the great country we have. Songs, speeches, programs, and fireworks all stir our patriotism. We are grateful for the freedom we have. It has been a blessing to us and to all the world.

Also, on this Independence Day, we were reminded of changes that are occurring in America. Many “watchmen” on the walls (Isaiah 62:6) are warning us of changes in America. “Tea Parties” on the 4th of July, similar to those earlier in the year, saw thousands of people turn out to express concern for the mortgaging of America. Even Colin Powell, considered by most to be at best a liberal Republican, warned President Obama of the excesses of his spending policies.

Even more troubling to us is the disregard of Barack Obama and Congress of our moral foundations. Never in our history have we seen such disregard for the principles of respect of life, family and virtue. On July 4th, in newspaper ads, Hobby Lobby quoted many founding fathers on these important principles. It included one by Jedediah Moore, a patriot and educator called “The Father of American Geography”:

“To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe the degree of civil freedom, and political and social happiness, which mankind now enjoys . . . Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, out present republican forms of government – and all the blessings which flow from them – must fall with them.”

How can God not judge America when she is legalizing abortion, gay marriage, experimentation on the unborn, and when her leader says America is not a Christian nation? Under President Obama’s policies, she is not. You do not have to be a Christian to live here, but America’s greatness has been founded on her goodness derived from moral absolutes. We must pray for mercy.

Please remember for those who have not financially supported SLI in the last 24 months, we will be removing your name from our mailing list. If you want to remain on our list, whether you are able to support us or not, either make a contribution or simply let us know. Return the enclosed form and note that you cannot afford to support us, and we will still keep you on the list. For those who are able to give, may we encourage you to give as generously as possible during these difficult times. Thank you very much for your support.

Yours very truly,

A. Eric Johnston

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