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12/1/2008 - December 2008 SLI Newsletter

December 2008

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Last month we used the Capitol Visitor Center’s (“CVC”) neglect of our religious heritage as an example that “something oughta be said.” The CVC has agreed to depict our nation’s religious heritage. This was because 108 members of Congress spoke up. We must always be prepared to speak up for our rights.

Recently, SLI has spoken up for rights. We assisted a government employee who was required to do work that violated his religious belief; his employer agreed to accommodate his belief. A public school official asked a PTO not to open with prayer; we have sent a letter explaining parents’ rights. We represented a Bible curriculum for public schools before the state Textbook Committee and School Board; the book was approved. There is an opportunity for you to speak up. See how most of the large school systems in the state treat the Christmas holidays, as surveyed in our Educational Update.

The assessments of the presidential election have started and will continue. We do not really want to add our voice to that, except to say we believe our job will become more difficult. We do not believe that President-elect Barack Obama represents the values of a majority of Americans. Yes, a majority of them voted for him, but we believe there were many reasons.

We would not have been happy with either candidate. McCain was not a good alternative to Obama. We see no mandate for Obama. Conservative values did not lose, only Republicans. We believe conservative values will survive. Many of us recall how difficult it was during the days of Jimmy Carter, but Ronald Reagan followed and it was a new day for America. Perhaps, we are a little bit further down the road to perdition and recovery will be more difficult, and if we are not diligent, there may someday be no recovery.

However, we know God is sovereign. We are disappointed, but we are not discouraged. The day after the election, I read a devotion by Oswald Chambers based on Mark 14:37. Jesus was concerned that the disciples were sleeping and not watching. Chambers observed they were heartbroken because Jesus did not restore Israel as they had expected. Much like today, we are broken-hearted for our situation. Chambers observed, “When a man is broken-hearted and despairing, he becomes weary and sleepy. He fails to be vigilant against the enemies.” With the coming administration, we must identify positions and policies that are enemies to religious freedom, the sanctity of life and other values. While we are broken-hearted, we must not despair and we must not sleep. We must continue in prayer for America, our leaders, and our energy to keep up the fight.

We know everyone has suffered financially in the last few months. As you make your year-end charitable contributions, please remember SLI with a generous contribution. Remember, it is tax deductible. Thank you very much for your support. We wish you a Blessed and Merry Christmas.

Yours very truly,

A. Eric Johnston

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