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9/2/2008 - September 2008 SLI Newsletter

September 2008

Dear Friends and Supporters,

I am sure all of us are glad to get back into the normal cadence of work, school and life. The summer is always a welcome break, but it somehow disrupts the normalcy of routine.

In this month’s Educational Update, we would like to return to an issue that dominated the beginning of the year, that is gambling. In past years, SLI did not have to concentrate so much time and resources on the gambling issue. However, it has continued to grow and develop and has become a monster issue for the State of Alabama. In recent months the Houston and Etowah County Commissions have decided to authorize casinos in their counties. We have met with concerned citizens from both counties and encouraged them to protect their families and communities by opposing development of these casinos.

When the legislative session began earlier in the year, SLI was writing legal opinions and advising legislators, ministers and others on the implications of gambling expansion, legislative bills, and other activities. We have come to understand the problems all too well. Many have asked us what is going on? We ask ourselves – How much do Alabamians know about gambling in our state? We would like to provide you some insight into why it is such a plague for us.

Also, with the end of summer in an election year comes the campaign season. This year is the presidential election, as well as a number of important state and local races. America has many challenges: national defense (terrorism), economy (gas and food prices, stock market), social (sanctity of life and homosexual marriage), and you name it.

There are three things you can do. First, pray for the election. Second, register to vote and encourage your family and friends to register. This is particularly true for young people. They may determine the outcome of the presidential election. Third, become informed and vote your values. Elections are always about values – whose values will we approve. Your vote is your approval.

There is another action item. The federal Department of Health and Human Services is proposing a rule to respect healthcare providers’ (physicians, nurses, and others) rights of conscience against abortion. For more information go to http://secretarysblog.hhs.gov/. Click on “Physician Conscience Blog III.” There you can file an email supporting this law. Please do this by September 20, 2008. Also, pray for SLI as we begin developing a pro-life initiative for next year.

The summer has been slow financially. Please write us a generous check this month. We are grateful for your support.

Yours very truly,

A. Eric Johnston

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