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2/1/2008 - February 2008 SLI Newsletter



                                                                                                February 2008



Dear Friends and Supporters,


            Thank you for your generous contributions at the end of 2007.  We have ended one year and are beginning another.  We are grateful for your continuing support of our efforts.


            We are also grateful that 2007 ended with a fine Christmas season.  We received very few complaints and nothing of real significance.  A few years ago, there were many occasions of "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas."  It seems that was a mere bump.  Yet, we know we continue to live in desperate times.


            I was recently listening to a sermon by Alastair Begg on the test of faith in Hebrews 11.  Many in that "Hall of Fame" found salvation, but through severe testing.  Pastor Begg is not known for church and state sermons, but he was very profound in saying that the church in America is eroding and the state is encroaching.  He said that in the 21st Century we may live Hebrews 11.


            The direction of America becomes all that more important for us.  There will be presidential primary elections in Alabama by the time you receive this newsletter and there will be primaries in other states, all leading up to the general election in November.  It is important that you prayerfully select and pray for a candidate whom you believe will protect America's values.  As we noted in our December newsletter, the choices are somewhat more difficult this time than in previous times.


            Yet, we have great pride in America.  Recently a German citizen told me that he liked Americans but not George W. Bush.  For the rest of the world, it seems difficult to understand our values.  However, when one experiences these values, what it means to be an American becomes much clearer.  I also spoke with a Bulgarian who has become an American citizen.  After having lived most of his life under communist rule, he believes America with its values and electoral process is an important gift.


            We at SLI are grateful that we can be involved in the legal/political process.  We appreciate your prayer and financial support of our efforts.  We do this not for financial gain, but because, to borrow a declaration from the Blues Brothers, "We're on a mission from God."


            Our mission for God presently has had us involved in legislative bill drafting.  We have prepared the Healthcare Rights of Conscience Act and the Umbilical Cord Blood Use Act.  These are two very important pro-life bills to be considered in the Alabama Legislative session beginning February 5.  Our Educational Update this month explains those bills.


            Please remember us with your monthly financial support, and thank you.


                                                                                    Yours very truly,



                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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