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8/1/2007 - August 2007 SLI Newsletter



                                                                 August 2007


Dear Friends and Supporters,


            This month we focus on abortion and the sanctity of life.  It is a never ending battle.  After years of struggle, many of us seem to forget the urgency of the situation.


            This month's Educational Update is a summary review of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision which upheld the federal partial birth abortion ban statute.  For a detailed analysis, visit our website and select "Newsletter" and then click on 4/22/2007 - Gonzales v. Carhart - A Step Away From Roe. 


            We are frequently asked why the Alabama Legislature does not more closely regulate abortion.  After all, we live in a part of the country where the voters are more conservative than anywhere else.  The sad truth is that the leadership and controlling representatives and senators in the Alabama Legislature are not pro-life and do not represent the overwhelming percentage of pro-life voters in Alabama.  With few exceptions, legislative districts in this state would consist of a majority of pro-life voters.  These elected men and women do not vote the interests of their constituents.  What this means is that virtually every pro-life bill is stopped in committee and does not receive a fair hearing.   


            You may ask, what about bringing pressure on legislators to vote pro-life?  Many groups have tried that in the past and legislators will tell them one thing and then do another.  Political parties and lobbying organizations publish information about how elected officials vote.  Voters need to look at those lists and see whether their interests are being represented in the Alabama Legislature.  There is nothing we can do about it legally and any change must come at the ballot box.


            We were distressed to see friction within the pro-life community in recent days.  During the week of July 16, 2007 Operation Rescue and Operation Save America demonstrated at some Alabama abortion clinics and at several churches.  Many of us remember the sit-ins of Operation Rescue, resulting in arrests and several years of litigation, both in Alabama and around the country.  Operation Rescue has always been an aggressive, in your face type operation.  Unlike in its early days, Operation Rescue does not now generally engage in unlawful civil disobedience.  However, it continues as a very aggressive outspoken organization.


            The message of Operation Rescue is valid to the extent that it says the Christian community is not opposing abortion the way it should.  Many of us become defensive at this and claim our efforts are significant.  In many instances, we kid ourselves.  It is unfortunate there cannot be better participation in the effort. 


            These facts, the weak Gonzales opinion, the paralyzed Alabama legislature, and the false confidence of Christians, must incite to action all who claim to be pro-life.  We are simply not doing all we should.


            Thank you very much for those who have sent in recent contributions.  Please remember we have ongoing needs.  Your contributions are tax deductible.  Also, please pray for our efforts for God's direction and blessing on all that we do, that it may honor Him.


                                                                                    Yours very truly,



                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston


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